Foundation Course (60 hrs 12 x 5 hr classes)
1. Seiki Doin – Meridian Yoga, Aiki exercises, Seiki Meditations.
2. Basic Shiatsu Yang sequences – Seiki method with Side & Sitting positions.
3. Meridians: location, recognition and treatment.
4. Specific Tsubo Zone treatment – locations and treatment
5. Eastern medical philosophy & theory. Ethics & Conduct
Upon completion, students receive a certificate of participation and are qualified to enter into the Level 1 program.
First Year Level I: Yang style
1. Seiki Doin: Meridian Yoga, Aiki exercises, Seiki Meditations.
2. Basic Shiatsu sequences Yang style – Side, Face-down, Face-up and Sitting positions.
3. Yang Orbital Meridians– functions, location and treatment.
4. Specific Tsubo Zone Pattern treatment.
5. Integrated Clinical treatment – Basic sequence with Tsubo Zone pattern treatment
6. Eastern medical philosophy, theory, Ethics & conduct.
Upon completion, students are awarded a Level 1 Student Practitioner Certificate and qualify to enter into the Level 2 program.
Second Year Level II: Yin style
1. Seiki Doin: Meridian Yoga, Aiki exercises, Seiki Meditations.
2. Basic Shiatsu Sequences Yin style – Sort form
3. Yin Orbital Meridians– recognition, location and treatment.
4. Specific Tsubo Zone Free-form treatment
5. Integrated Clinical treatment – Basic Shiatsu Sequence Yin style with Free-form Tsubo treatment.
6. Eastern medical philosophy and theory, Ethics and conduct.
Upon completion, students are awarded Level 2 Practitioner Certificate and qualify to enter the Advanced Practitioner Program.
Third Year – Advanced Seiki Shiatsu Practitioner
1. Seiki Doin
2. Basic Shiatsu Sequence – Yin & Yang Unified style.
3. Orbital Meridian System – 7 Yin & 7 Yang Orbital Meridians.
4. Specific treatment – Meridians diagnosis & treatment
5. Professional Conduct and Ethics.
6. Clinical practice.
Upon completion, students are awarded Advanced Seiki Shiatsu Practitioner Certificate.
Enrichment studies & Instructor’s Course
Advanced Practitioners Graduate class
Monthly classes for advance Meridian diagnosis update methods and review case studies.
Instructor’s Course:
1. Seiki development
2. Basic Shiatsu Sequences.
3. Hara diagnosis and Seiki meridian treatment.
4. Clinical development
5. Eastern medical philosophy & theory, clinical development.
This course is for Seiki Shiatsu therapists who have at least two years clinical experience. The duration is one year, totaling 440 hours, comprised of a five-hour weekly class plus assisting in student training at a weekly five hour class.
It upgrades the fundamental studies and skills of a Seiki Shiatsu practitioner while introducing the foundations of the teaching approach. A strong focus is placed on balancing technical and professional skills with Seiki energetic and personal spiritual practice.
To assist students to achieve their study goals it is necessary to develop and maintain supportive, healthy and functional relationships. Training independent practitioners and providing ongoing mentoring when needed are the core Instructors responsibilities.
Course subjects include: effective group dynamic work; communication skills; strategies for different learning styles; and curriculum development.